Radio Naturopath Episode 210: Allergy Reminder; Interview with Kurt Beil, N.D., The Outdoors and Your Health!

And, it's time for Radio Naturopath Episode 210! My friend and colleague, Kurt Beil, N.D. called in. He is a naturopathic doctor practicing in Westchester County, NY, and Western Connecticut. He focuses on helping people to get outside, and has studied and published on the health benefits of being outside in nature! Who woulda guessed, getting outside is good for your health! We talked about how there are studies on being outdoors and reducing cortisol and blood pressure. Also, Earth Day is Monday, and we talked about enjoying and being a good steward to Mother Earth. Dr. Kurt will be back on June 5 LIVE to get more geeky about why outside is great!

 I also gave a quick reminder on allergy care, since the pollen count is so high.