Radio Naturopath Episode 167: Interview with Jessica Tracy: The Michael J. Fox Foundation, Parkinson's Disease, and Running Rock the Ridge

Today we had Jessica Tracy, who's the recreation director at the Mansfield Community Center on, and is a  Certified Athletic Trainer and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Her dad has Parkinson's disease, so finding a cure has become a passionate cause for her. She is working to support the Michael J. Fox Foundation's work in finding a cure. This organization uses 100% of its funds to do research. We talked about the disease itself, symptoms, existing treatments, and some naturopathic adjunctive therapy.  We also talked about Rock the Ridge, a 50 mile adventure run that Jessica is doing for the fourth time this year, with her family running as a team, and how people can support them. They can use this link: It's a great organization and a great cause, and I was thrilled to have Jessica on to talk about helping to heal Parkinson's disease!