Radio Naturopath Episode 358: Help for your Poison Ivy, Stool Shape and Your Health

This week it was about less fun but necessary topics. Poison ivy is no fun, super itchy, and can range from annoying to problematic to even dangerous. Here's some useful tips to deal with it naturally. Of course, if the rash is progressing over your whole body, going into your mouth, throat, nose, eyes, or genitals, it's time to go to the doctor or urgent care. Sometimes it's just safer to get a steroid pack. But if it's merely annoying and not in a dangerous spot, there's lots to try, from menthol to grindelia to clay! I also had an interesting question from Eliana, a listener in Israel. She wanted the lowdown on stool shape and consistency! So we talked about the Bristol Stool Chart and what conditions can cause various stool changes. Somewhat unpleasant but necessary. And wasn't the bathroom called the "necessary" in Revolutionary War times?