Radio Naturopath Episode 313: Vaccine Mandates At Work, Tea Tree Oil and Your Oral Health

This week, I talked about mask mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic for workplaces. Currently due to the sharp increase in cases across the country, indoor mask mandates are being reinstituted. I got asked what if someone is vaccine hesitant and there is a mandate at their place of business. I talked about how it is currently legal for private employers to fire or not hire people who are unvaccinated. A course of action might depend upon whether the mandate is absolute or there are exceptions. I was also asked how to detox from the vaccination. The bottom line was, it's not a good idea to try to do major "detox" in the two weeks following the vaccination, as you don't want any components to leave your body. By all means, you can use some medicine to make yourself more comfortable, but if you feel the need to detox it's a good idea to wait until at least two weeks after vaccination.

I also talked about how great tea tree oil is for oral health, and basic things you can do to improve oral health.